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The inner lining of the bags is made of a special fabric that contains silver threads. Silver has not only antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, but also repels electromagnetic radiation. This means that you can carry your homeopathic medicines / flower essences / crystals with you without being affected by radiation from mobile phones, WiFi, TVs, radios, microwaves and other devices that emit electromagnetic radiation.

Dimensions: 21 cm / 19 cm

Protective bags for homeopathic medicines


Nowadays, electromagnetic radiation is everywhere, whether from mobile phones, computers, WiFi networks or other sources.

As you know, homeopathic remedies are sensitive to sunlight and should not be stored near electromagnetic fields, X-rays or microwave radiation. They can affect the medicine even through the wall of the vial.

For anyone who is worried about this radiation exposure, which affects their energy drugs, we offer a range of protection bags as an ideal solution.
