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Reiki Training: Level 1 Record

The “Reiki Level 1” course introduces the history and basics of Reiki – the energy art from Japan.
Within 2 days (with a total volume of 4 hours of video lectures), the first level will teach you how you can use energy to heal all body levels – mental, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The training is online and can be viewed at a time and place convenient for you.
Level 1 is on tape, Level 2 will be live on the Zoom platform.

Important: We do not recommend doing Reiki trainings in the evening!

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a system of hands-on healing of unparalleled simplicity and power. Its history covers almost the entire written history of mankind, and the system of treatment itself is certainly older than all written records.

Laying hands on the body of a person or animal to relieve pain is as ancient as instinct.
The first thing most people do when they feel pain is to put their hands on the painful area.

When a child falls and scrapes their knee, they want their mother to touch them (or kiss them) to make them feel better.
If the child has a fever or is sick, the mother instinctively puts her hands on his forehead.
Human touch brings warmth, peace and healing. And also tenderness and love.
If they are in pain, the dog or cat will instinctively start to lick the sore spot – for the same reasons a person uses touch with their hands.
In animals, mothers also lick their young when they are in pain. This simple action is at the heart of all touch healing techniques.


Can energy healing be delivered online?
Yes, the energy of our trainer and reiki master Valentina Geogieva is so powerful that it allows to be transmitted through video courses.
She connects with you and imparts both theoretical and energetic knowledge. You will feel the protection and power of a Reiki master yourself.

After completing level 1 you will:
You can use Reiki for energy healing of the body and mind.
You are familiar with the history of this therapy and its principles.
You will be part of the honored Western European branch of the original Reiki transmission lineage originating in Japan (this is a huge honor and title).
You are given reiki symbols and attunements to be a 100% healer after completing the 2 levels.
You are under the guidance of an experienced Reiki master – Valentina Georgieva, to unlock your potential as a healer.
You will develop your personality and skills in the field of holistic health and healing.

Who is the course suitable for?
The Reiki Level 1 training is an ideal start for complete beginners who have never touched the approach.
A perfect choice for more advanced, hobbyists and enthusiasts because they receive professional knowledge and skills directly from a Reiki Master.
The course is very suitable for parents – Reiki treatment helps children absolutely successfully.
There is no age limit for Japanese energy healing.
Internet connection
Willingness to learn and develop
Pure intentions for using the energy art of Reiki

Meet your Reiki Master:
Valentina Georgieva – an experienced holistic therapist and homeopath with over 18,000 clients from all over the world.
Valentina Georgieva is a high-ranking Reiki master and part of the Western European branch of Reiki knowledge – this means she has a direct and pure connection with the lineage of Reiki founders in Japan.

Reiki training: Level 1
